How Important Is the Mediator to the Success of Your Mediation?

Who your mediator is can make or break your mediation. Learn what to look for in a mediator to ensure you have the best possible mediation experience.

One of the first questions lawyers ask us is who is on the Mediation Solutions of NY panel of neutrals. That’s because who the mediator is can make or break your mediation.

The role of the mediator is to bring the parties together and to find common ground so you can work toward a resolution that both parties can agree to. In a mediation, the mediator isn’t making a decision that is imposed on the parties. Instead, the mediator is working with the parties to devise a solution based on their unique circumstances.

What to Look for in a Mediator

If you have a mediator who:

  • Doesn’t take the time to understand what each party is trying to accomplish
  • Can’t identify what is most important to each party
  • Won’t put in the effort to work with the parties to bring resolution, if not to the entire case, then at least to narrow down the issues

…your mediation will be a waste of time and money.

When you are searching for a mediator, here are some things to look for:

Is the mediator someone you can trust? Are you comfortable that they will keep the information you impart during private conversations with them confidential, but take that information into account in devising a solution?

Has the mediator demonstrated that they know the law? Have they shown that they can guide the parties and give them insight into how a case might be resolved if mediation is abandoned and the parties go to court?

Does the mediator have experience resolving cases like yours? Do they know the value of your case in your jurisdiction? Do they know what kinds of awards are typically given out in cases like yours so you can make an informed decision?

At Mediation Solutions of New York, we have some of the most experienced mediators and former judges in the region. If you’re thinking about mediation, let us help you build a bridge to resolution of your matter, whether it’s a personal injury or medical malpractice case, a commercial or business dispute, or an estates and trusts matter.

You can review our panel of neutrals here.