gray concrete building

Why Mediate Your Municipal Case?

Lawsuits against municipalities can arise in a variety of ways, from trips and falls on municipal property accidents involving government-owned vehicles, to zoning disputes and negligence claims against municipal employees.

Cases against municipalities can be more complex to resolve than lawsuits brought against private entities because different rules and regulations may apply, and because approval for settlement with a municipal entity may need to be obtained in a special proceeding or by a municipal before a settlement can be completed.

Despite the obstacles, mediation can have benefits for both sides in cases involving municipalities. These benefits include:

  1. Cost Savings

By streamlining the process and identifying key issues early, mediation can provide a more cost-effective alternative to expensive litigation. ​The costs of litigation are not only monetary; they can take an emotional toll on both the plaintiff and the government officials or employees involved. Engaging in mediation early on can allow the parties to prevent disputes from escalating.

  1. Time Savings

Litigation involves significant time commitments from public officials and employees, diverting them from their regular duties. Mediation allows officials and employees to avoid time-consuming tasks related to litigation, leading to increased productivity.

By reaching resolution earlier and avoiding lengthy court delays, litigants who have cases against municipal employees or municipal entities can get their compensation sooner, allowing them to move on with their lives.

  1. Privacy and Confidentiality

Mediation provides a private setting for parties to express themselves freely without public scrutiny. Keeping a case out of the public eye can have major benefits for both sides. When a case is brought in the court system, it is a matter of public record. Mediation can help municipalities resolve sensitive and high-profile claims quickly and quietly, avoiding unwanted headlines. The confidential nature of mediation can lead to settlements that might not be achievable through public litigation processes.​

  1. Creative Solutions

Mediation encourages parties to view each other as partners in resolution rather than adversaries. With the mediator’s guidance, creative and meaningful solutions can be crafted that may not have been considered during traditional litigation.​

  1. Improved Relationships and Communication:

Mediation fosters collaboration between disputing parties, leading to improved relationships post-resolution. This can be important in municipal cases involving former employees, or current or former vendors working with the town, county, village or other government entity.

​Mediation Solutions of NY has a panel of neutrals including retired judges and practicing lawyers with experience serving in municipal government, presiding over or litigating cases for or against municipalities across Long Island and New York. Our panel of neutrals understands how municipalities work, how decisions are made, and how to settle these cases effectively.

If you would like to explore mediating your municipal case with Mediation Solutions of NY, please call us at 631-415-4310, or submit your request for mediation here.