Slip and fall accidents often lead to serious injuries and costly legal battles. Mediation can help mitigate these costs by resolving cases quickly and effectively. A recent mediation of a slip and fall case in a town park in which…
The Case for Mediation in Contested Estate Matters: A $1 Million Settlement Example
Mediation has emerged as an invaluable tool in resolving disputes in various legal contexts, particularly in contested estate matters. A compelling example of this is a recent case in Surrogate’s Court involving a contested accounting that ultimately led to a…
Gail Prudenti Honored by Hofstra Law
On Wednesday, April 10. 2024, Mediation Solutions founders and mediators joined the Hofstra Law Community in celebrating the Hofstra Law Pro Se Legal Assistance Program by , attending their 5th Anniversary Reception honoring Mediation Solutions co-founder and partner at Burner…
Mediation Solutions Co-Founder Gail Prudenti Interviewed on 45 Forward Podcast
Mediation Solutions co-founder Gail Prudenti was recently interviewed by Ron Roel on 45 Forward as part of Women’s History Month. In the interview, she reflects on her career, her experience, and the courts, as well as the need for mediation services on…
MSNY Co-Founders Allison Johs and Judge Gail Prudenti Named LI Influencers in Law
Long Island Business News has named Mediation Solutions of NY Co-Founders Allison Johs and Hon. Gail Prudenti “Long Island Business Influencers: Law 2024.” The Influencer list includes “40 of the region’s best legal minds” that “not only go above and…
MSNY Founder Hon. A. Gail Prudenti on Beyond the Bar Podcast
Mediation Solutions of NY Founder and former Chief Administrative Judge of the State of New York, Hon. A. Gail Prudenti made an appearance recently on the Beyond the Bar podcast with host Denisa Tova. She talks about her career and…
With the Right Neutral, ADR Brings Resolution
By Hon. A. Gail Prudenti The History of Dispute Resolution Once upon a time, human beings routinely resolved their disagreements through brute force, with the more powerful party to a conflict prevailing and the weaker one licking their wounds. Litigation…